secondary research


                               Secondary Research 

Academic research plays a vital role in advancing our understanding of cybercrime, it also aids in the development of effective reduction strategies. Graduates across various fields of studies including cyber security and computer science have contributed to the fight against cybercriminal activity. Academic institutions such as university of Cambridge and The university of south wales collaborate with research organizations and government agencies to conduct studies and develop software's to aid cyber defence

Case study in research is a detailed and in-depth research of a specific subject common key terms related to cyber crimes include:
- Malware : malicious software as the name implies this is a software designed to harm or exploit  any programmable device.

-DDOS (Distributed Denial of service) : This is a very common activity where by electronic devices are flooded with traffic.

- Data breach: This is a security incident where information is gotten from a source without the appropriate or required access 
All these can be avoided by doing the following 

- Updating applications 
- Installing an Anti-virus 
- Using a VPN 
The importance of the internet cannot be overstated in our everyday lives from our academic to social and them work life so we need to take measures to prevent ourselves from falling victims to cyber attacks 


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